In Ludus is a small publishing house founded in Argentina in 2015 that promotes equity and a more just society through comprehensive sex education from a playful perspective, developing educational games for children and adolescents, and now seeks to expand these values throughout the World.
In Latin America you can find us as “Poner en Juego”
Play can make any complex topic you want to tackle simple. And growing up as children and adolescents can be accompanied by games that promote equity and address sexual education in a comprehensive way. Explore our selection of games designed to stimulate the mind and heart, offering moments of fun and learning.
In ludus
Games open up questions, make learning more meaningful, memorable, and ultimately restore the joy of learning.
In Ludus was born as a response to the need for playful teaching materials that address content in relation to integral sexuality as a human right. And it is in line with 5 of the 17 sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations.
Health and Wellness
quality education
gender equality
Sustainable Development
peace, justice and institution
Who's behind it
I am Laura Canals. Teacher, graduated in Pedagogy and specialized in sexual education. I am responsible for the creation and development of games and trainings of In Ludus. Se siete interessati a questo… sedetevi e continuerò a raccontarvelo.
Welcome to our blog section! Here you can find relevant news, articles and information regarding integral sexuality education and current issues. Enter our world and discover valuable resources for understanding and addressing contemporary challenges.